Oral surgery procedures are required by people with jaw, teeth, or mouth problems that other dental procedures cannot treat. The prospect of having to undergo oral surgery can be frightening to a lot of people. There is no need to worry, however, as qualified oral surgeons regularly perform oral surgeries. Anesthetics are also used during oral surgeries to ensure that the entire procedure is as painless as possible.

“Oral surgery” describes any surgical treatment done on your gums, teeth, jaws, or other oral tissues. Gum grafts, surgical procedures on the jaw, implants, and extractions are also included under oral surgery. A Markham dentist usually recommends oral surgery if it is the only solution for their patient’s problem or when other treatment options have not brought about the desired results. Discussed below are some oral surgery procedures.

Common Oral Surgery Procedures:

There are several causes of tooth loss, ranging from physical trauma to advanced tooth decay. Contrary to what most patients believe, getting dentures does not require you to reach a certain age. Anyone can lose teeth regardless of age and with dentures, people with missing teeth can smile, speak, and eat comfortably. It is a solution available for all ages.

Types Of Dentures

Some common oral surgery procedures include:

  • Installation of dental implants: Dental implants are created to replace missing teeth. A dental implant is a rod that is inserted into the jaw. These implants are usually made from titanium but can also be made from other materials. Oral surgery is required to insert the dental implant into the patient’s jawbone. Your dentist considers various factors to determine the best time to attach a crown to your implant.
  • Tooth extractions: Sometimes, simple tooth extraction is not enough to remove a tooth. Severe tooth damage, infection, or decay are common reasons a tooth may be extracted. In these scenarios, a surgical extraction is carried out. Surgical extractions can be carried out under local or general anesthesia. The oral surgeon must cut into the patient’s gums to access the tooth and remove it.
  • Bone grafting: Bone grafting is usually carried out on patients with insufficient jawbone tissue. This could happen due to a dental disease that progressively weakens jawbone tissue or neglecting to replace a missing tooth. This oral surgery procedure is also performed in patients who want dental implants but don’t have enough bone tissue to hold the implant firmly. The surgery involves removing bone from one area of the body and using it to make the jawbone denser.
  • Corrective jaw surgery: This procedure, also known as orthognathic surgery, is used to correct a wide range of minor and significant dental and skeletal defects, such as a misaligned jaw. Corrective jaw surgery can significantly enhance the patient’s ability to chew, breathe, and speak properly.
  • Root amputation and dental hemisection: If a tooth has multiple roots, oral surgery is performed to remove one origin. An operable one-rooted tooth will remain after the surgery as the oral surgeon removes half of the tooth during this procedure. A Markham dentist may also refer patients to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for a hemisection when there is severe bone loss surrounding the tooth or when single or multiple tooth roots become infected.
  • Apicoectomy: This surgery is carried out when a root canal is not effective in stopping the infection from a dead dental nerve inside a tooth from spreading. The dentist will fill the tooth after removing the affected part to avoid further conditions.
  • Crown lengthening procedures: A crown lengthening operation may be performed before placing a crown on a weakened, cracked, or broken tooth. This procedure helps to ensure that the tooth can firmly hold the crown.

What Happens Before Oral Surgery?

Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination to look at your gums, teeth, jaw joints, and other oral tissues. Dental x-rays will also be taken, which enables your dentist to gain a clear image of your jawbone, teeth roots, and other crucial oral structures. Your dentist will then use this information to create a personalized dental care treatment plan.

What To Expect When Getting Oral Surgery?

Instructions when getting oral surgery usually include:

  • Abstaining from alcohol and tobacco products
  • Fasting for at least some hours before the surgery
  • Making arrangements for transport

Maintaining good oral hygiene and routine dental visits can help ensure that any potential dental issues are spotted quickly before they develop to a stage that may require oral surgery. Oral cancer screening is also performed at dental checkups. Contact us today to learn more about oral surgery.