Do you remember your parents telling you to brush your teeth? This parental vigilance should have been your first clue that they are geniuses. Most people do not realize that if they do not take care of their mouth, teeth, and gums, they can be subjected to a myriad of illnesses.

Dental hygiene plays an integral role in your overall health. Without practicing good dental care like brushing and flossing, the bacteria in your mouth could multiply and subject you to oral infections, tooth decay, and gum disease. This situation could end in gum receding and tooth loss.

Now that you realize the importance of oral hygiene, you should read on to see what could happen to those pearly whites and your overall health without paying attention to what your teeth and gums are telling you.


See Your Dentist or Hygienist

Seeing your dental clinician every six months is a must. They will X-ray your teeth once per year to show broken or decayed teeth that need repair. The objective is to remove plaque and tartar that have accumulated since your last visit.

Even if you are good about brushing and flossing, there still could be plaque lurking where you can’t reach. The dentist or hygienist will scale your teeth and polish them. All of the tartar and plaque should be gone when you leave, and your teeth will feel great.

Your job will be to keep up with your routine so that going to the dentist is not a burden for you or your clinician.


Saliva is Your Friend

If your mouth is dry, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. There are several reasons that your saliva can dry up to almost nonexistent. Saliva helps in the digestive process to break down your food and send it along to the esophagus.

It also helps wash away foods that may become stuck between your teeth and washes away acids.

Some medications will inhibit the production of saliva, including:

  • Decongestants
  • Diuretics
  • Antidepressants
  • Pain killers

Other medications can dry out your mouth; however, there are oral rinses, lozenges, and gum to keep your mouth moist.

What Can Compromise Your Health?

Oral Bacteria can cause more damage than you would think. When this bacteria travels from your mouth into the body, it can affect your heart, causing:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Endocarditis

Heart disease, clogged arteries, and stroke are correlated with inflammation caused by oral bacteria. The link is suspected but not yet proven; although, chronic inflammation can cause an atherogenic response and plaque formation, which can cause clogged arteries and stroke.

Endocarditis is the word for inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. It is caused by an infection that mouth bacteria could cause. So brushing twice per day seems a little bit of time for a big payoff.

Oral bacteria can also cause pregnancy issues and low birth weight. Sometimes the bacteria from your oral cavity can get into your lungs and cause pneumonia and other respiratory problems.


What Can Compromise Your Oral Health?


Certain conditions can compromise your oral health. When you have diabetes, your resistance to infection can be lowered. Diabetes can also be the culprit that makes your gums susceptible to disease.


This disease weakens your bones and can cause periodontal loss of bone and tooth loss. Also, the medications prescribed for this disease have been reported to have a slight risk of damage to the bones of the jaw.


Oral health becomes worse with the progression of this disease. A study published states that a bacteria called P. gingivalis, associated with gum disease has been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.


There are oral problems with these conditions, including oral lesions, which can be exacerbated by poor oral hygiene.


What Can be Done to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene?

Protection of your oral health is equivalent to your overall health. Eat healthy foods with lean protein, leafy greens, and low glycemic fruits. Remember that sugar is sugar, whether in a wrapper or a peel. There are other things you can do:

  • Brush at least twice per day
  • Floss every day
  • Use mouthwash to finish your cleaning routine
  • See your dentist twice per year
  • Avoid tobacco
  • Replace your toothbrush quarterly

If you follow a regular schedule for your dental care, you will be on your way to a clean and healthy mouth which is the beginning of overall health.


Practicing good oral hygiene is much like practicing prevention. Have a plan to make your at-home dental care a part of your daily routine. It does not seem like too much when you do things that only take a few minutes each day. It is hard to believe that a few minutes each day can make a difference that will last a lifetime. Visit our clinic at Greensborough Dental for a perfect dental treatment or Call (905) 209-7222 for an appointment our dedicated team will gladly assist you!


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