Some children find visiting the dentist to be a fun and enjoyable experience. However, some children may be understandably nervous or frightened when visiting the dentist’s office. The dentist’s office is a new environment with many fresh faces, which could make some children nervous for the new experience. Fortunately, there are various things you can do at home to help your child overcome their fear of the dentist.

How to Help Your Child Overcome Their Fear of The Dentist

Some of the things you can do to help alleviate your child’s fear of the dentist include:

  • Taking your child to visit the dentist at a young age:
    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry states that kids get their first dental examination as soon as baby teeth show or before a first birthday. The first dental visit should be brief. During the initial visit, your children’s dentist will advise and answer any questions you have. They will also check to ensure that your child’s baby teeth are developing typically. One of the significant benefits of taking your child to visit the dentist at a young age is that it enables your child to establish a good association with the dentist and become accustomed to the dentist’s office. This helps your child feel at ease while at the dentist’s office. As they grow older, going to the dentist will become commonplace, and they will be familiar with the process.
  • Set a good example:
    Your child will probably notice and follow your model if you dislike going to the dentist. Setting high standards for maintaining proper oral health is crucial. Activities like regularly flossing and brushing your teeth with your child set an excellent example of maintaining good oral health. You should also educate them that maintaining a healthy, strong smile requires routine dental appointments, twice-daily brushing, and flossing.
  • Visit a pediatric dentist:
    A pediatric dentist is a dentist who after graduating from dental school undergoes further training to specialize in treating children and teenagers. In addition to learning about children’s oral health, a pediatric dentist also knows about child development and psychology. This knowledge enables pediatric dentists to manage and communicate with young patients effectively.
  • Schedule routine dental appointments:
    Routine dental visits are recommended for the best dental health treatment. We also recommend informing your Markham dentist if your child fears the dentist. Your Markham dentist is specially trained and has various props and techniques to help your child feel at ease during their dental visit.
  • Discuss with your child:
    It is always advisable to talk regularly about the value of maintaining our smiles, the function of the teeth and gums, and the assistance the dentist can provide. When it comes to appointments, it is best not to inform your child about their dental appointments too early. Children have vivid imaginations and may imagine frightening scenarios when given enough time to think about something. Instead, talk about their appointment a couple of days before they visit the dentist. Briefly and plainly describe what will happen in terms they can comprehend, and then respond to any questions they may have. Your child should also be aware if they are to have a procedure, as surprising them may lead to mistrust. You can ask your Markham dentist for assistance when finding the best way to explain a policy to your child.
  • Utilize positive reinforcement:
    While at the dentist, have a cheerful attitude and refrain from using terms like “pain” or “fear.” Use praise to reinforce positive conduct. Let your child know that a Markham dentist is a kind medical professional who cares for the teeth and wellbeing. You can also take your child out for a ride before or after their dentist appointment to reduce stress.
  • Play a game of pretend with you as a dentist:
    Playing a pretend game might be an effective way to help your youngster overcome their worries and be ready for the dentist. You can play the dentist at first. As the dentist, have your child perform activities that will happen during their appointment, like sitting in a chair or counting their teeth. Let your child pretend to be the dentist. The patient can be either you or a toy animal. This method of playing pretend helps to let your child know what to anticipate during their appointment, and it also introduces them to the notion of visiting a dentist in a setting where they are at ease.
  • Watching videos or reading books about the dentist:
    You can help your child get ready for the dentist by watching videos or reading books about the dentist. Doing this can help your child discover the wonderful experience their best characters had at the dentist’s office and realize that checkups never result in anything negative.

Get in touch with Greens Borough Dental today to learn about children’s dentistry.